
Friday, September 24, 2010

September 24, 2010 Neulasta

Back to the office for the last time this week. Neulasta shot and a big bag of fluids. The Neulasta is a great drug for its purpose - it bumps up the WBC after the chemo has blasted it. I remember last time, the lowest it went was 1 and it bumped up to something like 14 or 15 with the Nuelasta.
Now, there is always something bad about drugs that work.... Neulasta gives terrible bone ache. It makes the bone marrow produce white blood cells like crazy. Because of that, all the big bones will ache because of the 'over drive'.
I read that Clarityn has helped some people with the pain. Made it go away or at least made it less severe. I asked Christy (nurse) if she had heard of it and she said yes.
We figured it is worth a try, even if it only takes the edge of the pain. Normally the bone pain comes gradually, so it will take a few days to know if Clarityn has worked or not.

Aj has been awake a whole lot more than he was yesterday. I think the body just shut down and tried to recover with sleeping yesterday. When I asked him how he felt the answer was "I can't believe it is legal to do this to someone" - I think that sums up how he feels, pretty much.
This is the part that we knew were coming though, with the chemo. All Aj can do is lay in bed and rest and recover.

Tomorrow is a new day - new energy!!!

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