
Friday, February 26, 2010

Canada - Slovakia Semi final

We had breakfast in the hotel this morning, same couple were working as last time. Last time we kind of laughed it all off and just kind of shook our heads when they messed up the orders and their comments on stuff. I am 'princess' and Aj is 'amigo' :) we always get everything 'special' and its not always what we ordered. Quite funny.
Of course Aj got cheese on his omelette after 15 min of waiting for it plus that he made him write the order down on paper. So he sent it back, to make up for it the guy started dropping off food at our table every time he walked by, fruit, yoghurt etc. which we couldn't finish anyway.
Then the bill comes and he goes ' Amigo, special just for you and princess' we open it and seriously, not a lot of special about paying full price, is it? Or am I missing something here?

Aj is still going strong, drove home from Houston. Still minor aches and pains, inside of his thighs, under his feet or maybe his ankles, wrists. Basically bone ache. Did I mention that we have the port 'surgery' on Wednesday? He is not sure what to make of that, but it has to be better than the PICC line and safer too.

We are also trying to figure out how we think he is going to feel after the next chemo. It could of course go both ways we all know that. But hopefully he will be able to hold up better than last time, since he has not had rigors 3 weeks solid prior to getting chemo. That he is having a 'strong' period right now where he is able to eat and feel 'good'.
BTW. he just inhaled a huge bowl of popcorn since I started writing this. I try to give him 4 meals a day and then 2-3 smoothies/juices in between that plus some snacks. He has no idea that I put 40 almonds in his shakes instead of 10 which is says in the recipe. :) Tastes just as good. He offered me to finish it off and I was like, nah its ok. I mean holy cow - it was about 1000 calories in that smoothie. Not like I need that!!

On our way home from Houston we stopped at Westlake Pathology Center to draw some blood. Prep work for the port insertion on Wednesday. Then we are pretty much ready for that. He has to shower in an antibacterial soap on Tuesday... hmmmm hand soap?? not sure I have heard of Antibacterial shower gel unless its iodine and then he'll be orange..

Also, I tried to call Seton Central today to get the slides of his previous CT scans and all the other scans and xrays he had done while he was there. So that I could give it to Dr. Fayad just in case he wanted to compare to what it looked like before he had Chemo. I was given the run around like crazy, one place to another to another to another. Then I was on hold for about 20 min to one place - the lady picks up only to connect me to somewhere else. Who in their turn connected me right back to the same place and I was put on hold again!!!! So frustrating. Left messages wherever I could then I called Dr. Siegefoos & Dr. Hellerstedt's office to see if they could help me. Nobody has called back. Aj thinks that if Dr. F wanted it he would have asked for it, I was just thinking of doing it to have more info and material for him to work with. We will see, I am going to try tomorrow again with Seton. I'll be darned if I can't get hold of it, how difficult should it be!?

To finish the evening off, Sweden won gold in Curling - the most gay sport in the world according to Aj. But hey - it earned Sweden a GOLD! :) Plus USA spanked Finland in Hockey. USA in the final now!

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