
Monday, March 15, 2010

Soccer Time!

Girls started soccer today - spring break camp and then they will do camp this summer. They are hooked!!! :) seemed like they had imported a bunch of scousers (people from Liverpool) to run the operation. But hey, no better soccer players than from Liverpool & Manchester!
Anyway... girls loved it and looked soooo cute in their chin guards, shorts and jerseys!

Aj has worked a normal day today, I think he is a little wiped tonight, but no aches or anything! Seems like its Chemo - then for 5 days after that he feels crabby and then its good until next treatment. - Next week is the third one. Its amazing how the weeks go by now, it all counts via the treatments. That is how I look at the calendar now. Not for days and weeks and which month it is, I look and count the days to next treatment or next Dr. visit.

This week on Wednesday we are meeting with the nutritionist to have him help with what to eat and what not to eat. He is a Dr. and our friends have used him and it will be interesting to see what he has to suggest.

The Vita Mixer goes warm in this house hold - at least 3 times a day! Last time they weighed Aj, on.... Friday he was 158 with clothes on, so its possible that he has put on some weight! :) at least a few lbs.

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